среда, 16 мая 2012 г.


Often among conditions, which move forward organisations disposing invitations to tender, there is a presence to the participants of her one - disante guaranteed by invitation to tender – financial guarantee by the bank of execution by the society - participant of obligations. For state-owned companies the maximum of requirements is established: they have the right to ask the participants of the invitation to tender of financial guarantee by the sum not more than 30 % sum declared by the client in the invitation to tender.
The service, which received the name the guarantee of banking invitation to tender, consists of the fact that the bank becomes a kind of defendant, guarantees execution by the participant of the invitation to tender of obligations taken the request of participation.

It is necessary to say that banking guarantee is considered the surest of everything, allows to participate in the competition not only the important business companies, but also relatively small, а in certain cases and the individuals.

As the guarantee of invitation to tender is granted

Conditions, on which the guarantee of the bank is granted, some points are similar on the conditions of the conferment of credit. Since the sum of the loan the bank is sizeable in that case, the bank has the right to give such credit as of purpose, to ask for the report of the client – in case of the banking guarantee of invitation to tender of it it doesn't need: for the decision-making on the distribution (conferment) of guarantee it is only enough to introduce to the bank the wallet relatively quickly gathered by documents. He, in general, includes the statuary documents and the papers confirming the participation of the client in any competition, passed by the state-owned company. It is necessary to say that practice shows: one asks most often only the cooperation with state-owned companies for the guarantee of banking invitation to tender.

After one - two days the society-client of the bank receives confirmation on the conferment of guarantee and can put it in the packet of the material of invitation to tender. To tell the truth, for services the bank takes committees. They, besides, don't exceed five percent of the sum asked by the organisation-organizer of the invitation to tender as guarantee.

Difference of the guarantee of invitation to tender of credit

More comfortable and less in a financial way затратная (for the participant of the invitation to tender) banking guarantee takes a form in some days. Of more the client enjoyed by service, shouldn't care that:

Get ready for the control of the society by the committee of credit;
Gather means so that they become the reservation, which would help to fulfil obligations in front of гос. By the client;
Think that the pledge for the loan to the bank could become.
For the reception of the guarantee, except documents, it is necessary only to bring to the bank the sum of its committee, which, as we said already, is relatively not big.

The sure banks grant guarantee only having solid reputation that reduces even more financial risks of the client.

By surer, by comparison with credit, the speed of the reception of guarantee is, a high likelihood of acceptance the bank of positive decision and fact than guarantee of banking invitation to tender becomes an important competitive advantage in front of other participants of competition.

The guarantee of invitation to tender and its possibilities

It is obvious that the guarantee of the bank discovers new possibilities for the clients planning the participation in invitations to tender: the absence of necessity with financial independent guarantee with value requested by obligations in front of the client, the organizer of the invitation to tender allows to participate in competitions to societies baby, the companies of medium quality, in certain cases and the individuals. The guarantee, at the expense of the speed of conferment, becomes the medium express to augment chances of victory in the invitation to tender.

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